This recently came to me as an extension of the first Sutra—the first edit to a second edition. I brought this up in our bi-weekly discussion group and since it seemed helpful, I decided to write it up. I hope you find it helpful to your practice!

nowBeing “totally present” with someone or something is simply a starting point to the higher presence that represents the real power of Now. There is no time. Time is a made-up aspect of the illusion of form and does not exist. Therefore, any notion of “now” that is representative of past present or future, misses the point altogether. Now, is an extension of true Self— your Reality that exists outside of the illusion of time, space and form.

The ego modifications of mind are very slippery. The ego would want you to believe that simply focusing on one subject with all of your intent, or giving your undivided attention to someone or something is the goal and the sole power of “now.”

Presence is not something you do. It is something you allow. Presence does not necessarily mean the cessation of thought. Rather it is an experience that goes beyond thought to Source, and the only way to go beyond thought is to forgive it. Noticing thought without judgment allows you to go beyond it regardless of the situation. That’s presence! Thought without judgment disarms thought itself. It is the idea of past or future, good or bad, right or wrong that make thought a distraction to the present moment.

Become the present moment—not just “now” because this or that is a special moment, but as an ongoing awareness in every moment. This is the practice of Yoga.