The Yoga Mind book launch was a huge success. A big THANK YOU from Gene and I to all of you! Writing a book is a massive undertaking and yet hugely rewarding. If you have a book “cooking” inside, just start writing. It’s a magical process that keeps carrying you forward.

We served chocolate, wine and cheese to nearly 100 attendees! Like a surprise birthday party in a way, it was fun to see so many show up to support us and share their interest in the book. We gave away a few 3-day passes to Yoga Loft along with a few books and posters of Gene’s 7 verse haiku poem. It says it all!

If you missed the event, Boulder Bookstore is hosting us for book signing this Sunday, May 4 at 2:00.

Gene and I told our story about how we came to know each other and share this passion for writing. We met 20 years ago when my wife and I were looking for a minister to marry us. As a Unity Minister, Gene not only performed the ceremony, but helped us deepen the purpose of our marriage along with a better understanding of A Course in Miracles. In many ways the three of us learned it together. As we grew over the years, I began to develop greater appreciation for Gene and what he had to offer.
In the fall of 2010 I had what seemed like a major shift in perception and how I viewed the world. Could it be that after 17 years of study I was experiencing the quantitative shift that A Course in Miracles promises? Ideas flowed through me like never before and something inside said, “Started writing.” I began taking my writings to Gene where we would spend hours going over them to make sure they were a reflection of truth according to A Course in Miracles. Our understanding deepened as we shared our thoughts and put them to paper.

This went on for a couple years. We would meet on Monday and Wednesday mornings for a few hours at time. Then one day Gene asked, “What do you think we should call it?” “I don’t know,” I replied. After a short pause, Gene suggested “How about The Gift?” “Perfect!” It stuck and “The Gift” was born…our first book (still in process).

It was in 2012, during a yoga teacher training, where I rediscovered the Yoga Sutras. As the group of students plodded through the ancient teachings, I realized that like A Course in Miracles, the Yoga Sutras speak at a very high metaphysical level. They shared the same message! I knew we had to write this book, so we took a year off from The Gift and wrote The Yoga Mind—Book One of the Yoga Sutras According to A Course in Miracles.

The Yoga Mind is for anyone who desires a better way. Like A Course in Miracles, the Yoga Sutras were written from truth for those who want to know truth. It is helpful when you can find the commonality between two thought systems. The Yoga Mind is a spiritual self-study that bridges these teachings. It is short, quick and powerful. Keep it handy and refer to it often.